General Secretariat for Fatwa Offices Worldwide
- issuing fatwas.
- Reduce the gap of differences between fatwa bodies through the various forms of scholarly consultation.
- Address the phenomenon of fatwa chaos and extremism.
- Develop a scholarly and qualifying system for the benefit of Muslim leaders around the world that reinforces ideals of moderation and coexistence.
- Build scholarly partnerships to support a moderate fatwa methodology in Egypt in its capacity as the first defensive line protecting the sound principles of Islam.
- Lead the renewal of religious discourse by providing practical examples of renewing, developing, and designing curricula; promoting ideas; and providing alternatives.
- Integrate the efforts of different fatwa authorities so as to correct the erroneous beliefs, thereby reducing the hostilities against Islam incited by extremist groups.
- Support moderate scholars around the world.
- Combat chaos and extremism in fatwa.
- Disseminate refined fatwa principle worldwide with an aim to participate in formulating a philosophy of a global civilized construction.
- Confirm that fatwas issued by non-specialists cause great societal disruption as is the case with the fatwas issued by Daesh and its sister groups.
- Train and increase the experience of muftis and Islamic legal scholars in fatwa.
- Promote national and international stability and peace by combating and taking the necessary measures against extremist ideologies.