The holistic purposes and objectives of Islamic law render it suitable for every time and place until the Day of Judgment. At present, there is an urgent need to peruse the sources of Islamic law to adequately address unprecedented and ongoing phenomena and new issues and find solutions to newly emerging problems. It is precisely due to this that individual and group ijtihad and, at present, juristic assemblies and similar institutions, have sought to address critical issues raised by the needs of the present period and formulate dynamic responses to these temporal requirements.
In view of this, the purpose of this paper is to explore the concept of group ijtihad and its application to various aspects of the modern life of Muslims and the formulation of the relevant legal rulings. At the outset, the paper presents the lexical and technical definitions of ijtihad, group ijtihad, problems and challenges facing Muslims and their kinds. The paper demonstrates by way of example the applicative relevance of group ijtihad to various contemporary issues related to ritual worship, as well as to financial, judicial, and medical matters. Accordingly, it proceeds to do this by comparative recourse to original cases found in Islamic juristic tradition, if present, and by mentioning the different opinions of contemporary jurists and juristic assemblies.